Step into our elementary school, where learning becomes an adventure grounded in faith 和 excellence. At Fremont Christian, 我们相信基督教教育不仅提供学术优势,更能促进全人发展, ensuring that every child thrives emotionally, intellectually, 和 spiritually. 我们敬业的老师创造了充满活力的学习体验,点燃了好奇心,激发了对知识的热爱. Rooted in our Christian identity, we empower students to navigate the world with integrity 和 purpose, equipping them with values that transcend the classroom. 我们认识到家长参与的重要性,并热烈欢迎家长参与社区建设活动, forging connections that strengthen the educational journey of each child. 在小学养成的习惯和技能使我们97%的高中生符合加州大学的资格, compared to 51.7% of high school seniors statewide. (来源: The Orange County Register)
FCS has adopted a math program based on Common Core State St和ards (CCSS), which focuses on depth rather than breadth, building conceptual foundations, 和, most importantly, engagement in the process 和 application of math concepts. Designed to reflect the way children learn mathematics, Math Expressions (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)在20多年的研究中提供了坚实的概念基础. 学生需要解决问题,解释他们的想法,并证明他们的答案. Each unit begins with an inquiry-based activity to activate thinking, access prior knowledge, 和 address preconceptions. 我们数学教学的基础是理解解决问题有多种途径. Providing a math learning environment that goes beyond memorization, 死记硬背, 和 basic computation allows students to learn with underst和ing, 这就导致了移情和在新情况下应用学习的能力.
FCS英语语言艺术(ELA)课程反映了一个工作坊框架:学生跨体裁的阅读和写作, making textual connections, 和 communicating those ideas in various ways. 学生在他们的独立阅读水平上阅读,在他们的教学水平上进行引导阅读. They are expected to respond orally 和 in writing to the texts they read. This framework provides students with instruction in the many genres of texts, strategies for metacognition, 和 opportunities to practice these skills. Students set personal goals for becoming better readers 和 writers, which they work toward through extensive 和 close reading, guided reading, conferring 和 daily writing. 这种方法强调技能的发展(语音、理解、文本结构等).),特别注重词汇的发展(最能预测学术成就的指标)和学习工作坊的语言.
单词学习和语法帮助学生认识英语语言的模式,为他们的阅读和写作提供信息. Unlike the traditional spelling test, 单词学习的重点是识别英语中的拼写和意思模式,学习如何拼写和推断单词的意思,这样学生就可以把这些知识转移到以前不知道的和没见过的单词上. 语法是在语境中教授的,这样学生就能认识到语法是如何改变意思的.
加州CCSS语言标准要求学生学会清晰地打印, 和 beginning in grade three, write legibly in cursive. 我们使用的是D 'Nealian手写程序(Scott Foresman),从打印开始, in later grades, progresses naturally into cursive. 即使在这个技术时代,能够清晰地书写对个人来说也是很重要的. Dr. William Klemm (2013), a professor of neuroscience at Texas A & M University, describes the many developmental 和 psychological benefits of learning cursive, including sensory-motor coordination, cognitive dem和 which benefits thinking processes, the engagement of both hemispheres of the brain, 和 developing tactics for learning in general.
社会研究 & 科学
Published by UpLevel, 我们的社会研究和科学课程是基于加州标准和下一代标准的 项目很高兴 strategies embedded. CCSS ELA st和ards play an integral part in the instruction. 在UpLevel课程中,最重要的是让学生学会如何学习, their learning capacity is increased, 和 they are able to comprehend new ideas 和 concepts more quickly. All elementary students receive the weekly magazine 给孩子的时间,教师用它来讨论时事,并进一步扩展社会研究的学习. 实地考察旅行, 项目, 实验室, engineering kits, 蒸汽的夜晚, 和 other media 和 materials provide enrichment for these content areas.
过渡幼儿园圣经课程的重点是通过旧约和新约故事和学习圣经来培养品格. 幼儿园 through fifth grade follow the Building on the Rock (Summit Ministries) program, 它不仅注重性格的发展,而且通过建立真理之家来理解基督教世界观的基础. The content of the curriculum affirms the metanarrative of Scripture: (1) God created all things good. At creation, all things were in harmony. (2) At the Fall (Genesis 3), the whole created order fell into disharmony due to the disobedience of man. 在耶稣基督的身上,神开始了救赎和更新的过程. (4) In the end, God will restore all things through his Son Jesus Christ.
我们相信圣经的元叙事表现在四个关键的创造关系中. (1) Fellowship: The relationship between God 和 man. God created man for relationship with Himself; that relationship was broken because of sin; that relationship is restored through Jesus Christ. (2) Image-bearers: Man was created as whole 和 healthy being, as an imagebearer of God; sin brought disharmony 和 conflict into the life 和 heart of man. Redemption through Jesus Christ begins the healing process within man. (3) Servanthood: God created man for harmonious 和 loving relationships with other people; sin is the cause of disharmony 和 discord among people; part of restoring mission of Jesus Christ is to bring people back into harmonious relationship with one another. (4) Stewardship: God placed the whole created order under the rule 和 care of His image-bearers (Genesis 1); with the Fall, the relationship between man 和 the rest of the created order was marred; In Jesus Christ, 神继续呼召拥有祂形象的人来保守和保护受造的秩序.
为了促进孩子的全面发展,所有学生每周接受两次双语教学 音乐 (Kodály Method) 和 physical education. Chromebook手推车为每个年级提供,用于将基于网络的应用程序集成到课堂和家庭的教学中. In third grade, students learn to play the recorder. 从四年级开始,学生可以选择参加交响乐队或手铃, in addition to classroom 音乐. 所有四年级和五年级的学生都要学习合唱,并在一年中的不同活动中表演.
小学 Department Chair
小学部主席Esther So自2013年起在十大博彩公司教五年级. 夫人. So holds a bachelor’s degree in psychobiology from UCLA, 哥伦比亚大学师范学院智障/自闭症硕士学位, a master’s in educational leadership 和 administration from Cairn University, 以及加州州立大学颁发的教育专家教学证书, 北岭.
As part of her education approach, 夫人. 因此,努力与家长和家庭合作,以全面教育学生, while adhering to high academic st和ards. She helps students grow socially through group work, 和 most of all, by guiding each student to know 和 love God with all their heart, 灵魂, 和精神.
两位夫人. So的孩子目前就读于FCS: Samuel(2023届)和Johanna(2025届). 夫人. So loves eating good food 和 spending time with family 和 friends, as well as attending her kids’ basketball games.
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